Members Dinner: Space Exploration, PMQs & The Lottery

Members Dinner: Space Exploration, PMQs & The Lottery


7:00pm, Thursday 10th of October, Stockport

Welcome to the Trouble Triple - join us for a fascinating dinner party where we’ll discuss three completely different, but truly thought-provoking topics.

The dinner will be lead and moderated by one of the Trouble team, but we want to know your thoughts. Come along with your ideas, questions and comments at the ready.

Starter: Is space exploration a waste of money?

Europe’s Ariane 6 rocket has finally blasted off after years of delays, but many still question whether space exploration is the best use of funds. Does the research gathered from these missions justify the cost? Should the human race aim to conquer other planets or has our treatment of earth demonstrated that we cannot be trusted to treat our universe with respect?

Main Course: PMQs - Tool for Democracy or Tribal Debating Society?

Whether you are an active player in politics, a sideline supporter or a conscientious objector - it’s hard to not be at least a bit familiar with the spectacle that is PMQs or more formally, Prime Minister's Questions. It’s supposed to give MPs the chance to question the Prime Minister on policy but more often consists of terrible jokes and lots of loud jeering. Is this politics in action or simply a continuation of the Eton debating society?

Dessert: What would you do if you won the lottery (…and who would you tell?)

It is commonly said that a third of all those who win the lottery will eventually become bankrupt. With that statistic in mind, we’ve all pondered what we would do if such winnings came our way (and boastfully decided that we wouldn’t be in the third who splurged it all in the first six months.) But what would you do with the money and who would you tell? What luxuries would you indulge in and what causes would you support?

Want to suggest a topic for our next Trouble Triple? Click here.

This dinner is taking place at the home of one of our very own members. Your ticket will contain the full postcode and the full address will be sent out in the pre-event email 24 hours before the event.


Members ONLY: Live ticket (includes food and drink) £9

Non-members: Want to become a member? Click Here

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Members can book up to three tickets at the members price for themselves plus two guests unless stated oterwise.

If you select a members ticket, your details will be cross-referenced with our membership database once your order is confirmed. If you do not have a valid Trouble membership, your ticket may be cancelled without refund.

If the event has a virtual option, all ticket holders including live ticket holders will be sent the virtual link 24 hours before the event.

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