Members Dinner with Liberal Democrat MP Munira Wilson

Members Dinner with Liberal Democrat MP Munira Wilson


7:00pm, Wednesday 17th of July, Humble Grape

Okay okay, she's not technically an MP at this current moment, but up until three weeks ago, Munira Wilson was one of only 15 Liberal Democrat MPs in the entire country.

The former MP for Twickenham and the Liberal Democrats’ education spokesperson has spent a decade working for health and children’s charities and has consistently campaigned for increased investment in children’s mental health services.

We'll get to spend an intimate dinner with Munira, getting her thoughts on the election, the overall performance of the Lib Dems and (if she's elected again) hear about her top priorities for the next five years and what changes she hopes to see from the Government - whoever they might be.


Members Only: Live ticket £40 (includes dinner and drinks).

Non-members: Want to become a member? Click Here

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